The Dorr Letters Project
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The Dorr Letters Project

Elisha R. Potter Junior to John Brown Francis:
Electronic Transcription


Though his letter is short, Elisha Potter’s comments about the need for compromise, speaks volumes about the constitutional crisis. Potter and John Brown Francis were urging political leaders to find a middle ground that would defuse the brewing crises.


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Dear Sir

I am afraid that our folks here
will not be very conciliating. They talk of S. Ames
for Rep. Talk a great deal about dignity.

Every one I have seen on both
sides I have advised to conciliation but
our side don’t like the notion.

Never was a better time for
conciliation. The Pres letter opens a fine

By the time you return
you will have ascertained the effect
which the letter has had.

If our folks make a prox
it will place me in a queer situation.

Yrs E. R. P. *
Dr. Brown told some pretty queer stories in his letters – see the Express.


Do you agree that President John Tyler’s letter to Governor Samuel Ward King opened the door for compromise measures to be adopted?