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The Dorr Letters ProjectC. Allen to JB Francis: |
North Kingstown Democrat Christopher Allen wrote to John Brown Francis after he saw a circular (broadside) calling for support for the Landholders' Constitution with Francis' name affixed to it. Allen did not know if Francis consented to have his name used on the circular or not, but in his letter Allen questions the motives of those who solicited Francis' signature and also condemns the Rhode Island Whig party. The Whigs, according to Allen, "will touch nothing that is done by the people" and "treat every body with contempt" for favors free suffrage," until they find they are like[ly] to lose political power” if they do not find a way to meet the demands of the people.
North Kingstown March 11, 1842
Hon. John Brown Francis
Dear Friend/ I regret
exceedingly that your name should have been
on the circular issued by the supporters of the
constitution agreed on by the late convention – not
that there is any thing wrong in your favoring
that constitution or in your voting for it if you
saw fit so to do – but I object to the motive
in those who solicited your signature to that
circular – and that motive I conceive to be
to stab you, with the friends of the peoples
constitution - else why not ask Gov. King to sign
it - no they intended to keep him popular with
both parties – while our popular & leading friends
are made use of to adopt this Whig party instrument
for the purpose of keeping the Whig party in power.
No 2 men in this state are natur-
ally so well liked of by the people without ex-
ception as yourself & Job Durfee – and both of you
have been drawn out to assist the Whig cause
& to put down the Democratic - else why this
stiffneckidness on the part of Whig leaders – they
will touch nothing that is done by the people, thus
they scout free suffrage or an extension of
suffrage and treat every body with contempt
who are in favor of it, until they find they are
like to lose political power, then they turn
round, and tell the people, you can have free
suffrage, if you will take it from us – yet it
is characteristic of that party - to turn round &
lick the dust from the peoples feet if they
can only obtain or hold power – look at the
resolutions introduced by Daniel Webster at the
great Bunker Hill meeting in 1840 – they were
Democratic Whig – who that knows Daniel
Webster, don’t know that he would go as far
to kick a real Democrat as John Randolph
formerly said he would to kick a sheep.
It is of no consequence to the Whigs to get
Gov Fenner, Stephen Branch, Obadiah Potter &
poor old Elisha Mathewson they have no
popularity to loose (sic) & were in no danger of being
run by the Democrats for any popular office
but John Brown Francis & Job Durfee are the
fish they wanted to hook & they have caught
them – the Whigs rejoice over your name, and
one of the strongest in the state told me yesterday
that "the people would remember Gov. Francis
for signing the circular" The Whigs pretend
that all the uproar is made by the friends of the
people's constitution – it is not so for the people, if
they cannot vote out this constitution will sub-
mit to it quietly – and if they do vote it out
then all the Whig general assembly has to do is
pass the necessary laws for carrying the peoples
constitution into effect & all will be quiet.
Do not suppose that any thing that I have said
in this letter is said through the least ill nature towards
you – god forbid, for you have not a more sincere friend
& one that loves you at heart in the world of men
than the one who subscribes this letter, but I can see the
game that is playing & it is more for power than
through any fear of an outbreak by the people
my great desire has been that you should never
loose (sic) the love of the people. Remember me to your
good lady & children, & believe me as ever your sincere
Why do you think the Whigs wanted to place John Brown Francis' name on the circular?