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The Dorr Letters ProjectProclamation, enclosed in Thomas Wilson Dorr to Millard, Low & Miller: |
This proclamation was included as an enclosure in the June 25, 1842 letter from Thomas Wilson Dorr to Millard, Low & Miller.
(Place the arms of the State at its head)
State of Rhode
Island & Providence
A Proclamation by the Governor by the Governor of the Same.
By virtue of the authority vested in me by the Con-
stitution, in cases of special emergency, I hereby convene
the General Assembly, which was adjourned to meet
at Providence on Monday the 4th day of July next;
at the villatown of Glocester, on the Same day, for the
transaction of such business as may come before them.
And I hereby request the towns and districts,
in which vacancies may have occurred, by the resig
nation of Sen Representatives or Senators, to proceed forth
with to supply this same by new elections, according
to the provisions of Article XIV th of the Constitution.
Given under my hand, and the seal of State, at Glocester, this 25th day of June, A.D.1842.
Thomas W. Dorr, Governorand Commander in Chief–