The Dorr Letters Project
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The Dorr Letters Project

Samuel Wales, Eli Brown, William Coleman, F.L. Beckford, John Howland to Thomas Wilson Dorr:
Electronic Transcription


In this short yet important letter written to Thomas Dorr on the morning after the failed attack on the state arsenal in Providence, five prominent members of the People's Legislature resigned.


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Providence 18th May 1842
To Gov. Dorr,

Dear Sir the Senators
& Representatives request you to leave this
city for a few days, and we hereby promise
to save your ^being arrested if possible, the Senators
and representatives have determined to resign
instantly, as we disapprove of the
proceedings, our men will not kill the-
ir own citizens.

Samuel Wales
Eli Brown
William Coleman
F.L. Beckford
John A. Howland


How and why did Dorr's actions the night previous to the writing of this letter influence these resignations? For an overview of the events of May 17-18, watch the documentary on the homepage of the website.