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The Dorr Letters ProjectThomas Wilson Dorr to Lydia Allen Dorr: |
In this short letter to his mother, Lydia, Thomas Dorr expresses his heartfelt gratitude for her continued affection during tumultuous times. On May 7, Dorr left Providence for Washington, D.C. to meet with prominent Democrats, including Levi Woodbury and Silas Wright, Jr. Dorr also had a meeting with President John Tyler in the White House. Though he did not exactly say it, it is clear that Dorr's brothers and sisters did not condone his actions. Dorr was clearly not welcome at the family home on Benefit Street.
Providence May 6, ‘42
My Dear Mother,
Your note of this afternoon
was received by me with the clothes. You are the
only person related to me, so far as I know, who
entertains toward me any feelings of kindness, and
I was much affected by the expression of them.
I trust that I shall do nothing to dishonor
the People’s cause in which I am engaged and to
which I have made some sacrifices.
I am truly and affectionately
Yours, T. W. Dorr
What does this letter reveal about Thomas Dorr's relationship with his family and his commitment to the cause?