The Dorr Letters Project
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The Dorr Letters Project

Thomas Wilson Dorr to Levi Woodbury:
Electronic Transcription


In mid-April 1842, rumors began to circulate that President John Tyler was debating whether or not to send federal troops to Rhode Island. Thomas Dorr quickly took up his pen and wrote to prominent Democrats in Congress, asking them to intervene on behalf of the constitutional reform movement. Dorr wrote to New Hampshire Senator Levi Woodbury, Pennsylvania Senator James Buchanan and Ohio Senator William Allen.


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Providence, R.I. April 13 '42
Hon. L. Woodbury
Dear Sir,

I am assured from a source en-
titled to credit, that, tomorrow morning, a letter may
be expected from President Tyler to Governor Kingof
this State
, threatening to precipitate the forces of the
U. States upon this State, in case the People should
proceed to put in operation their Constitution recently
adopted and ratified by alla large majority oftheof a
citizens. Of the sl of our citizensNo “domestic violence” has
occurred; and I trust that none will occur. Our oppo-
nents have not laid hands upon us, and will hardly
venture to do so in the present state of public opinion.

Will the friends of American ^in the two Houses of Congress Democracy
permit such a proceeding to take place in violation of the rights
& expressed opinions of the Sovereign People of a State -
however small its territorial dominions, without one word
of remonstrance? We are without advices from any friend
in Congress. The Globe is silent. ^ On the 5th of April a memorial was sent by special messenger to Hon. L. Woodbury,
relating to the People’s Constitution and to their proceedings to which no answer
has been received.
Will any friend
of State Rights in either House do us the favor of say
ing by letter what we are to expect? I trust that some
one will give us the reply which is now respectfully solicited.

I am truly yours,
For the Constitutional State
Tho’s W. Dorr


Why do you think Dorr stresses the fact that "no domestic" violence has occurred?