The Dorr Letters Project
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The Dorr Letters Project

William Wheaton to Thomas Wilson Dorr:
Electronic Transcription


William Wheaton was a member of Rhode Island’s Constitutional Party, a political party comprised mainly of Whigs. The party was formed in March of 1834 in Providence and used the Northern Star and Constitutionalist newspaper to promote its cause. From the outset of his political career, Thomas Dorr became connected with this party and helped to push for the organization of a constitutional convention. In 1837, Dorr ran unsuccessfully as a candidate for Congress as a Constitutionalist.


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Providence 1st May 1834
Dear Sir,

I highly approve of your plan
calling a meeting of the friends of
Reform, in your city, at the present
juncture. It will have the effect of
convincing the enemies of the cause throu
-ghout the state, that its advocates are
wide awake” and determined to main
-tain the position assumed for the pur
-pose of securing to the rightful owners
those political rights and privileges which
are now withheld from the great mass of
people in our state.

I consider it all important that the
public mind should be occasionally
agitated, so as to keep the attention
of the people constantly directed towards
the object for which we are contending
Every exertion should be made to prepare
the minds of the people for the willing
reception of a mandate from the
General Assembly calling a convention

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to frame a Constitution on the plan
proposed by the Constitutional party
I do not know whether we shall send
any representatives to your meeting
At any rate, you may depend on our
cordial sympathy in whatever may be
proposed for the general good.

You seem to think that the Constitu
-tionalist Paper cannot be published
in consequence of the deficiency of sub
-scribers. Would it not be well to
take some action upon the matter at the
meeting of your citizens? Surely some
-thing very favorable might be
anticipated from having a true state
of the case laid before the patriotic
young men of Providence.

You ask, are Messrs. Haile & Sisson
thorough Constitutionalist? I ans
-wer we have their pledge that
they will use every endeavor to carry
into effect the 13th Resolution passed

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by the Constitutional Convention, and
generally to act with the party.

Yours very respectfully,
Wm. Wheaton


What role does Dorr see the Constitutional party playing in Rhode Island's political culture in 1834?