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Providence Sept 5th 1842
To Thomas Wilson Dorr the Governor of the State of Rhode Island
Dear Sir

The Young Ladies of Providence who
sympathize with you in your recent efforts in behalf of the
people of Rhode Island request your acceptance of a pocket Bible
as a slight testimony of the deep interest we feel in the cause in
which you are engaged

They sincerely regret that the principles
contained in this Holy Book should in this community be
so little regarded; and that one of it’s ablest advocates remains
of necessity an exile from his own home

That the time may not
be not be far distant when you may be reinstated in your
rights and be not only the elected, but the acting chief Magistrate
of R.I. and this community shall learn to “love their neighbor
as themselves” - when oppression shall cease, and each for-
give as they hope to be forgiven is the ardent prayer of
your humble freinds the suffrage “Young Ladies of Prov-

In behalf of the Young Ladies Suffrage Asso-
Caroline Ashley.