IntroductionElisha Potter, Jr., perceptively recognized that continued arrests and incarcerations under the Algerine law were politically damaging to Democrats connected with the Law and Order party. Potter notes that things are quiet because the quiet portion of the suffrage party think they are to have all they wished for in a legal way. Potter argued that arrests were only serving to resurrect the Suffrage Party. Potter wrote a letter to Governor Samuel Ward King on July 4 complaining of the arrests. At the end of his letter to Francis, Potter discussed the controversy over black voting. African American males had been disenfranchised since 1822. Though the Irish in Rhode Island never came to Dorr’s aid, they were deemed by many conservatives to be responsible for the civil and political unrest. African Americans served in Law and Order militias in June 1842 and were thus considered more worthy of receiving the ballot. LetterKingston July 22, 1842 Dear Sir,
I have had my hands full for
Some men are forever politically blind.
Gen Anthony has called a meeting
The persecution here has roused up
My present position, united for certain
I have experienced myself several times
The article from the Plebeian copied
Our friends ought to be cautioned about
Who will Providence and Warwick send
By our convention act the non-
There is not so much scolding about letting
Do let me hear the political
I see they have got to making horse shoes
Come see us anytime. Please
You are getting quite democratic again, dropping
What does Potter mean by the quiet portion of the suffrage party getting what they wished for?